Lindner Suisse sets standards in wood wool technology

The Lindner Suisse Wood Wool Manufacture can produce over 180 types and diameters of wood wool to suit specific customer requirements and is developing innovative specialized wood wool (excelsior) products made from Label Swiss Wood for use in infrastructure, gardening and landscaping, for animal hygiene, fire lighter sticks and as packaging material; the products are sold in over 20 different countries.
No matter how varied the uses of Lindner Suisse wood wool are, one thing can always be relied on: the quality and sufficiency.
Lindner Suisse wood wool is guaranteed to be dust- and splinter-free. Manufactured according to formula and the Swiss Wood wool Standard, it has an environmentally friendly eco-balance. (Carbon footprint)

  • Direct from the forester: Lindner Suisse buys its timber direct from Swiss foresters, who fell it professionally during the winter.
  • Lindner Suisse wood wool is free from wood preservatives and additives of any kind and is made from (Label Swiss Wood) Quality wood, free of knots.
  • Optimum drying: Lindner Suisse dries wood for at least 18 months before processing it, for only thoroughly dried wood displays its precious natural properties.
  • Produced by first-class methods: The Lindner Suisse manufacturing process is unique and guarantees consistent fibre and diameter. In addition, dust is removed from the wood wool.
  • Well trained: Our staff members are your competent contacts in all wood wool issues.